Goobye 2018, Hello 2019

It was a crazy end to the year and I’m excited to get things started off in 2019 quickly. Here’s what it all looked like

I accidentally rescued a dog named Buddy after his humans moved out and left him behind
Got him groomed, which was an ordeal
He needed fixed and 11 teeth removed so he was introduced to the cone of shame
We introduced him to cool bands and better t-shirts
Also sweaters
Then it was time to go home for the holidays, which turned into a road trip seeing as I can’t fly with two dogs

Caught up with the sister in town
As well as the OG Buddy and his humans
Plus these babes
If you have your wisdom teeth removed, you WILL want to do a puzzle as I’m learning from two friends just getting them out
It was time to (accidentally matching) go back west

Got home and created a new plant window, bought air plants for my light deprived home, as well as gave Buddy his official own corner and his first toy that was only his.
Took time to catch up with the LA friends after the first week back at work.
I might be tired, but I’m ready for ya 2019.